Wrest Park Do it Again!
It was touch and go with the weather, but with dark clouds looming, Wrest Park Lodge held another very successful, family and friends Hog Roast this year. Once again, the

The 100 Mile Mason Hits the Road
Over recent weeks, Richard Reynolds, current Master of Mercury Lodge No 7289, has been ramping up training in preparation for running 110 miles in 40 hours, raising funds for the

Pillars and Pistons 2024 – Miles of Fun and £1,000 for Charity
This year’s Pillars and Pistons event saw 25 cars, plus motorbikes (and their riders/occupants) take part in a treasure hunt across the Bedfordshire countryside. Following clues to local landmarks they

Mission Accomplished! Tony Tops 5K-A-Day for a Year
Brethren from across County and beyond turned out at the Luton Park Run this morning to support and congratulate Tony Green, our Provincial Secretary as he completed his yearlong 5K-A-Day

Golf Day Raises over £22,500
The Bedfordshire Provincial Golf Day was held yesterday at the Whipsnade Park golf course on the hottest day of the year so far. Despite the heat, a fabulous day was

Bedfordshire Freemasons Ensure Continued Support for Traumatised Children and Young People.
Earlier this month, Provincial Charity Steward, Steve Joyce, accompanied by Bav Shah, Bedfordshire High Sheriff, a member of the Bedfordshire Lodge of St John the Baptist, No 475, met with

Gilbert Inglefield Give “Riding for the Disabled” a Boost
Gilbert Inglefield Lodge No 8009 recently donated £1500 to the Elisabeth Curtis “Riding for the Disabled” Centre in Bromham. The money was raised by the members last year and donated

Another Milestone for Tony in his “5Km-a-Day” Challenge
Since August 2023 our Provincial Secretary, Tony Green, has been running 5Km every day, raising funds for the Bedfordshire 2026 MCF Festival and last weekend he clocked up 1000 miles

Lovells Bury Band of Brothers!
On Saturday the 8th June, two intrepid teams from Lovells Bury Lodge No 4018 tackled the hills and valleys of Derbyshire in aid of Charity. The two teams were the

Young People in Luton Supported by a £60,000 Grant from Bedfordshire Freemasons
Around 450 young people in Luton who are at risk of disengaging from their education will receive support to get back to their studies, thanks to a grant from Bedfordshire