Royal Arch in Bedfordshire

Royal Arch Masons in Bedfordshire

Bedfordshire first had a Grand Superintendent appointed in 1811 and has grown into a strong Province with its indissoluble link to the Craft.

There are 21 Chapters across the province meeting at 6 Masonic Centres.

Craft Masons are actively encouraged to become members of the Royal Arch in order to complete their journey in pure and antient Masonry.  Indeed, the RW Provincial Grand Master feels sure that the Grand Superintendent would encourage all Brethren to join the Royal Arch, as membership is open to all Master Masons of 4 weeks and upwards.  However, they should only join when their circumstances permit.

Historically a Royal Arch Chapter has been attached to a specific Lodge, using its name and number, although not all Lodges have a Chapter.  There is no obligation to join the Chapter attached to your Lodge, as you are entitled to join any chapter of your choice.  Indeed, joining a Chapter unrelated or at a different Centre gives you the opportunity of extending the circle of your Masonic friends.

Most Royal Arch Chapters meet three times a year, these meetings are called ‘Convocations’. They are similar to the Craft with one Installation meeting and two working meetings.

Costs for membership tends to be much lower than Craft, this is due to lower Grand and Provincial dues and fewer meetings.

Why not join us?  Ask your Lodge Royal Arch Rep who will be delighted to speak to you.

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