Bedfordshire Clay Pigeon Club
The Clay Pigeon Club
2024 Masonic Series
I’m delighted to announce that the clay shooting dates and events for 2024 have now been arranged. As in previous years, they will all be held at the superb facilities at Sporting Targets, Knotting Lane, Riseley, Bedfordshire, MK44 1BX.
The dates for 2024 are as follows (all dates are Thursdays) :
– 11 April
– 20 June
– 12 September
– 10 October
– 12 December (Christmas shoot and Series prize giving)
The cost of each event of the 2024 Masonic Series has remained at £75.00 per person for the full day, but rising costs mean that our evening meal will consist of a starter and main course. However, this still represents excellent value and includes :
– Tea / coffee on arrival and during the day – 100-bird English Sporting Competition
– Bacon butty lunch, with tea / coffee
– 4-man, 80-bird flurry
– 2 course dinner
Additionally, there will be a ‘pool’ stand to further add to the enjoyment of the day (previously we have enjoyed a round of skeet, DTL, a .410 stand and many many others), and the arrangements and cost for that will be announced at each event (typically £7.00 for a 15-bird stand, £8.50 for a 25-bird stand).
Shooting will begin at 10.00am promptly, so please arrive by 9.30am to purchase cartridges, take care of any remaining administration, or to enjoy a full breakfast (not included in the price). We should be finished around 5.30pm. It is hoped to continue with a slightly more structured approach to the day, and it is anticipated that the event format will be :
9.00 – Arrival, coffee/tea, purchase of cartridges.
10.00 – 100-Sporting begins (pool shoot fitted-in where appropriate)
12.30 – Lunch at the clubhouse (bacon rolls)
13.15 – Assemble and shoot the 4-man, 80-bird flurry
13.45 – 100-Sporting continues (pool shoot fitted-in where appropriate)
16.00 – 2 course dinner at the clubhouse, raffle and prizes
I can accommodate half-guns at each event (shooting and bacon rolls with no dinner at £53.00, or food only no shooting at £32.00), so if that is your preference then please indicate as such on the booking form.
All you will need to additionally fund are your cartridges, and any drinks from the bar. We will be holding a raffle during dinner, so if you can provide a prize in support of that then it will of course be very gratefully received. It is also traditional to have a collection for the trappers and dining staff who always look after us so well.
The above dates are open to Masons and non-Masons alike, and all are very welcome. If you are, or wish to bring ‘novice’ shooters, then please make that clear in advance so that the appropriate arrangements can be made to accommodate them (i.e. loan guns). By novice, I mean someone who can safely handle and shoot a shotgun without close supervision – I cannot provide tuition during the shoot. Unfortunately I’m unable to remember who is and who isn’t a novice in every case, so please remind me ! It is planned to squad novices together and (if necessary) provide them simpler targets, to ensure that the maximum amount of enjoyment, supervision and assistance can take place, and to ensure that the other squads are not delayed. If you wish to shoot with a novice, then I would respectfully ask that you shoot with the novices’ squad, and make your proficiency known to your trapper, who I’m sure would welcome your experience.
For the 2024 Masonic Series I plan to award the usual prizes at the end of the season (at the Christmas Shoot). These will be awarded on ‘the best 3 from 5’ for the year so if you can’t attend all the shoots, then you still are in the running for a prize. There will be additional prizes awarded at each individual event.
If you wish to attend any of the 2024 Masonic Series events, it will help me hugely with the administration of the day if you could complete the attached booking form, and make a bank transfer in advance please. Please either text or email me to let me know what reference number you have used when making the transaction, so that I can track it in the bank account. The bank details are as follows :
Account Name : Bedfordshire Masonic CPC Account Number : 60296868
Sort Code : 30-90-66
Please forward your booking requirements (including the names of those shooting and whether any shooters are novices or dining only) with as much notice as possible, to the contact details below. Providing an email address will also help in reducing the administrative costs associated with arranging future events.
Sporting Targets is one of the premier shooting grounds in the country and, as well as providing excellent shooting, stocks a wide range of cartridges, shooting and country clothing, guns and other shooting accessories and I’m delighted to continue our association with them. For further information and location details, see their web-site :
Safety at each event will of course be paramount, so please ensure you have the appropriate eye and ear protection with you, and please ensure that your guests conduct themselves accordingly. Sporting Targets can loan eye protection for novices, and have disposable, single-use foam ear plugs to purchase at £0.50.
I need hardly mention that shooting will continue irrespective of the weather conditions, so please check the forecast beforehand and ensure you are properly prepared for what could inevitably be variable English weather !!
For any further information regarding these events, please contact the undersigned. I look forward to seeing you soon.
W. Bro Mark Cotterell
Secretary, Treasurer and Shoot Captain Bedfordshire Masonic Clay Pigeon Club c/o 10 Windmill Close
PE28 0AJ
Email :
Phone : 07798 643937