Lodge Achievement

Lodge Honorifics – 2026 Festival

In order for a Lodge to qualify for an Honorific for the 2026 Festival it will need to have achieved one of the amounts stated below.

  1. Bronze – £200 per capita
  2. Silver – £400 per capita
  3. Gold – £600 per capita
  4. Platinum – £750 per capita

All figures exclude Gift Aid. Per capita figures are based upon the Mother Membership of the Lodge as of October 2020. The per Capita figure of the Lodge will include both actual monies donated and those pledged.

Once a Lodge has attained a particular level it will be presented with the honorific to be affixed to the Charity Stewards collar.  The lodge will also be entitled to add to the front cover of each summons the following wording “2026 Festival Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum Award”

The following Lodges will not be part of the above due to their targets and how their mother membership is achieved:

  • Bedfordshire Lodge of Installed Masters
  • Bedfordshire Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards
  • Martin Foss Lodge of Research
  • Michael Sawyer Lodge of Reunion

All of the above figures exclude any Gift Aid.


