Update…The Walk to Jerusalem
Click here to see the progress so far
The three sojourners started the walk after the Bedfordshire First Principals Chapter meeting on Friday 6th December 2024.
On Monday 13 January, four weeks into their journey they have travelled 963,000 steps, 428 miles.
The route has taken them from Bedford through Dover to Calais, Dunkirk (France) on to Ghent Brussels and Liege (Belgium).
They are now in Germany heading for Cologne expecting to pass through the city during week five, moving on to Bonn Koblenz and Frankfurt later in the week.
General conditions very windy at the start of their journey and very cold last week.
They have a couple of slight injuries and have already thrown two pairs of leaky walking shoes in the bin.
They successfully managed to keep walking over Christmas and the New Year without causing too much stress within the family (a bit costly though!)
To help and aid them on their journey is just click away!
Next report early February 2025