Thistle and Rose Lodge

Thistle and Rose Lodge of Bedfordshire No: 9351 – 30th Anniversary and Cheque Presentation – Dunstable Masonic Centre.

Thistle and Rose Lodge (9351) had a busy evening at their November meeting with 70 members and guests for the Installation of W Bro James D Brooks. We had the honour and pleasure of the company of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Robert J Curson PSGD and his escorts W Bro Daniel Caldron PrSGD, W Bro Steven Farmer PrJGD and W Bro James A Lees PrAGDC.

Not only was it the 30th anniversary of the lodge with 7 of the founder members present, but it was also the meeting where the Lodge had confirmed that we had been able to meet our target for the Provincial Grand Lodge Scout appeal. The Lodge was keen to support this very important project and presenting our cheque, its receipt was warmly welcomed by W Bro Curson on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master.

W. Bro J Kerridge Charity Steward