A message from the Provincial Almoner

A message from the Provincial Almoner that has been sent today to all Lodge Almoners.

Dear Brother,

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of sending letters to 1.5 million, especially vulnerable people within the UK. Can I ask the following:-

  1. If you receive one of those letters during the next few days, please let your Lodge Almoner know and also copying myself, The Provincial Grand Almoner in.
  2. Outside of Freemasonry, do you have a support network which is going to support you over the next 12 weeks?
  3. If you haven’t got such a network in place, would you be happy to receive support from your Lodge and or The Province if practically available?
  4. If your existing network fails, likewise, would you be happy to receive support from your Lodge and or The Province if practically available?

Initially, can I ask that ONLY those who receive a Government / NHS Letter respond to both their Almoner & Myself?

In respect to questions 2, 3 & 4 if you have NOT received a letter, and fall within the original, Vulnerable Groups, please send your responses back directly to your Almoner.

This will assist in determining the numbers of, the Especially Vulnerable & Vulnerable we have within the Province. From that information, we will be better enabled to direct our resources in the most effective way.

Tony Green – Provincial Grand Almoner – Email Almoner@pglbeds.org