Worshipful Brother Peter John Bates
Dear Brethren,
It is with sadness that I inform you of the passing to the Grand Lodge above of Worshipful Brother and E. Comp. Peter John Bates PPrJGW on 5th of January 2025, aged 89.
Peter was Initiated on the 24th of May 1982 in the St Johns Lodge L8817, he was Master from 1991 – 1993.
In 1985 he joined Burdett-Coutts Lodge L1278 (London) remaining a member until 1990.
In 1987 he was a Founder member of Harlington Lodge L9225, he was Master in 1989, then Secretary from 1991- 2003, serving as Almoner 2003 – 2009 , again from 2012 – 2022, and Chaplain from 2009 – 2020.
Worshipful Brother Peter was also a Founder member of the Bedfordshire Lodge of Benevolence L9288, he resigned in 1995.
In 1990 he became a joining member of Old Lutonians’ Lodge L7401, he resigned in 2002.
He became a joining member in 1993 of Bedfordshire Lodge of Installed Masters L7301, he resigned in 2016.
In the Province of Northants & Hunts in 2003 he joined Sulgrave Lodge L9462 (Northants & Hunts), resigning in 2006.
Worshipful Brother Peter was Exalted into the Russell Chapter C4413 on the 6th of February 1984, he was MEZ in 1993, resigning in 1994.
He then joined St John the Baptist Chapter C475 in 1995, he became Scribe E from 1999 – 2002, again in 2013 – 2015, then serving as Almoner in 2014, and Assistant Scribe E from 2016 – 2018.
Worshipful Brother Peter’s first Provincial Appointment was to PPrSGD in 1994, then in 2000 to PPrGReg, and in 2013 to PPrJGW.
Worshipful Brother Peter served Freemasonry in Bedfordshire, London and Northants & Hunts for over 42 years and 40 years in the Royal Arch Chapter in Bedfordshire.
In Provincial Grand Chapter he was promoted in 2016 to PPrGReg.
Worshipful Brother Peter passed away peacefully, with his wife Margaret and his son Worshipful Brother Philip at his bedside.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Margaret, Philip, and the family at this very sad time.
Requiescat in pace
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Mike Fitz-Gerald – Provincial Grand Almoner