Worshipful Brother David Peters

Dear Brethren,

It is again my very sad duty to inform you of the passing to the Grand lodge above of Worshipful Brother and Excellent Companion David Peters on the 14th of August 2024 (93)

David was initiated on the 4th of November 1989 in Roger de Somery Lodge L6488, Master in 1997. In 2001 joined Bedfordshire Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards L9577, Treasurer in 2005. Resigned in 2012, rejoined in 2015. Also, in 2015 W. Bro David joined Elstow Lodge L8759 became Treasurer 2021 and elected an Honorary Member in March 2024.

Brother David was exalted into Someries Chapter C5202 on the 16th of September 1995, installed as MEZ 6th April 2002.

First Provincial honour came in 2000 when W. Bro David was appointed PPrGStwd and in 2004 PPrSGD, 2010 PPrGSuptWks and 2021 PPrGReg.

Bro David thoroughly enjoyed his freemasonry, always supportive to all lodge members, particularly encouraged new brethren. He was very active in his local community and Gt Paxton Church. His masonic career spanned 34 years in Bedfordshire Craft and 28 years in Royal Arch Chapter.

Bro David had suffered from different health issues in recent years but was always optimistic and positive. In June this year was diagnosed with Cancer which he was receiving Chemotherapy for. Sadly, he was admitted into hospital last week and after a brave fight passed peacefully.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Gill and their family at this very sad time. I shall of course send a condolences card on behalf of you, the Provincial Executive and Brethren.

Brethren, Worshipful Brother Davids Funeral will be held  on Friday 4th October, at 12 Noon, at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Church Ln, Great Paxton, St. Neots PE19 6RJ . There is no “dress code”, Family  Flowers only with donations to the Blood Cancer Charity B Cell Lymphoma.

Requiescat in pace 

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Mike Fitz-Gerald – Provincial Grand Almoner