Worshipful Brother Colin Detrick Caldicott
Dear Brethren,
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I inform you of the sad passing to the Grand Lodge above of Worshipful Brother and E Comp Colin Detrick Caldicott, PPrGSwdB, on 21st of October 2024 (78).
Colin was initiated on the 13th of April 2000 in Ivel Lodge L6846, becoming Master in 2008 and subsequently Director of Ceremonies and Mentor.
Brother Colin was Exalted into Ivel Chapter C6846 on 22nd of January 2002. He was MEZ in 2009 and there after, Director of Ceremonies and Treasurer. He became a joining member of Bedfordshire First Principals C7301 in 2010, and in 2022 a founder member of Bedfordshire Chapter of Provincial Grand Stewards C9577.
Bro Colin was also a Mark Master Mason in Sir John Cotton M1507 and Royal Ark Mariner RA1507, Colin was Secretary in both orders.
Excellent Knight Colin was member of Sir Richard De Monfitchet Preceptory KT601 and George North Preceptory, he held the office of Marshal in both. Colin was also Deputy Provincial Marshal for Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford and Secretary for the Provincial Preceptory of Improvement. Colin was also a member of the Royal & Select Masters
Brother Colin was admitted into Bedford Hospital with breathing difficulties and suspected pneumonia, sadly Colin suffered a heart attack, required resuscitation and was moved to a cardiac ward where he lost his brave fight peacefully.
Worshipful Brother Colin was a very well-respected man and Mason, very active in all the orders that he was a member of, always generous in time and guidance to everyone. He served orders in both Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire Provinces for 24 years and will be irreplaceable and sorely missed by all those that knew him.
I have been advised that any flowers or condolences cards for Colins partner Tricia Johnson should be sent to Colins son, Neil Caldicott at 23 Chapel Field, Great Barford, Bedford, MK44 3JP.
Colin has donated his body to science so there will be no funeral service, however a memorial service will take place, the date to be advised.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his partner Tricia and the family at this very sad time. I shall send a condolence card on behalf of you, the Executive and Brethren of Bedfordshire.
Requiescat in pace
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Mike Fitz-Gerald – Provincial Grand Almoner