Three for the Price of One at John Hindle Lodge.
The John Hindle Lodge No 9432 had their first meeting back after the summer break this week and were treated to an evening of special presentations.
The first was a talk on British bank notes by Lodge member Billy Axe. The presentation was entertaining and informative detailing the many different 20th century notes which have changed owing to different monarchs, wartime necessities and other anomalies. All were explained and demonstrated by Brother Billy using his unique collection of bank notes.
Following this, having recently been made a Master Mason, Adam Lord was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate by Ian Church, representing the Province. As we have come to expect, Ian’s presentation had a nice twist to it. In his usual manner, Ian led Adam around the Lodge room giving an explanation of the Lodge furniture, ending up at a 3D representation of a Grand Lodge Certificate, where Adam’s personal copy was presented. He commented “The visual display really added to the explanation of the certificate; It was brilliant!”
To round off a very enjoyable evening at John Hindle Lodge, their Secretary, Barry Keech, presented Billy Axe with his personal copy of the recently published, Bedfordshire Masonic Passport, one the first to be issued in the Province.
Their next meeting, in October, is a Passing ceremony. It’s bound to be a good one. Contact secretary@johnhindle9432.co.uk if you would like to visit.