Dunstable Chapter Set A New Record

The 16th October was not only a date to remember for the Members of Dunstable Chapter, but also a milestone in the Province which saw the Exaltation of four Companions into the Holy Royal Arch, something which has never happened before in Bedfordshire.

With one key member being away in sunnier climes and another having passed away in recent weeks, the Chapter called on Barry House and Gary Bloxham from the Stewards Lodge and Tommy Hillson to fill in vacant positions.

The Ceremony was performed by eleven different Companions, in line with the recent proposals from the Provincial Leaders. This led to an exciting and memorable evening for the four Candidates and twenty-six Members and Visitors who were present.

Dunstable Chapter are hoping to have a double Exaltation at their next Meeting on January 8th, so keep an eye out for details on the Provincial Events page of the website.