Bedfordshire Disability Games – Best Team Winners

 July of this year witnessed the 35th anniversary of the “Bedford Disabled Games” which took place at the Bedford Athletics International Stadium being the highlight of the year for many disabled members of our communities.

Bedfordshire Freemasons sponsor the “Most Sporting Team” which for the second year running went to Bedfordshire Opportunities for Learning Disabilities, known as BO4LD.

Unfortunately, on the day the BO4LD team were unable to stay at the Games for the presentations that afterwards took place.

Thus Clive Walsh, the Deputy Head of Bedfordshire Freemasons went along to their meeting centre, Clapham Road Bedford, to present the award.

Clive was told that the team really looked forward to the Games and reported “from the welcome I received today and the cheering and laughter when I gave them the shield it is very clear how much the games and keeping fit means to all of the team and I am really looking forward to being at the games next year”.