A “Perfect” Evening at Biggleswade Rose Croix


There was a great gathering at Biggleswade Rose Croix to admit and welcome their newest member, Snowy Dyson, a member of  Robert Bloomfield Lodge 8328.

Snowy, enjoyed the company of some Illustrious Masons who were there to support him on this memorable evening, notably Simon Cooper the Inspector General for Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire together with  his predecessor as Inspector General Nicholas Edwards, Provincial Grand Master of Bedfordshire,  and along with Neil Connolly, a member of the Chapter, the Provincial Grand Master for Hertfordshire.

The Chapter members all worked together under the direction of Ian Cobban to make the evening memorable for all.

Some 29 enjoyed a splendid evening as witnessed by the picture below!

This meeting undoubtedly epitomises the friendship and support that exists across the many Orders of Freemasonry.