A 55 Year Reunion at Russell 4413

The Russell Lodge 4413 held their first meeting of the new season and how special it proved to be.
W Bro David Weaver has  recently been raising funds for the 2026 festival by completing a bungee jump. This was seen on the provincial website by a recent initiate of Lovells Bury 4018,  Bro Alan Cambers, where he made the connection between himself, David and his elder brother John Weaver who is undergoing treatment for bone cancer.
Alan and John were boyhood friends, with David being the seven year old who tagged along with them. That was some 55 tears ago! Time has flown by, but Alan and David were reunited.
A family connection was complete with V W. Bro Nicholas Edwards PDPGM attending as a guest of David, a relative to John by marriage. Its a small world indeed.
Officers of the lodge, with front, V W Bro Nicholas Edwards PDPGM, Bro Alan Cambers and W Bro David Weaver.