Warden Lodge Reach 100 and Look to the Future
The Members of Warden Lodge No 4608 were joined by over 60 Guests & Visitors when they celebrated their centenary earlier this week.
All the Leaders of Bedfordshire Craft and Royal Arch were present, which is very unusual and normally reserved for Provincial meetings.
With a full Provincial Team in attendance, Nick Edwards, the head of Bedfordshire Masonry, opened the Lodge and gave a short talk on its history before handing over to Stuart Allsop, who Installed Brian Bates as the latest Master of the Lodge. A short history of the Lodge can be found here.
The post meeting celebratory meal was a splendid occasion, with lots of fun, laughter and a lovely feeling of friendship.
Warden Lodge are very forward thinking. They fully engage all their members in Lodge decisions, use WhatsApp to keep everyone informed, organise regular social events and have a culture of positive support amongst their senior members when it comes to learning and development, all of which is proving fruitful as they continue to grow and attract members.