PSA Testing Luton October 2024

A report from Ken Evans regarding the recent PSA testing at Luton.

We have now received the a summary, from the Graham Fulford Trust of the event, and thank you to all those who attended.

Details are as follows:-

Total Number of Tests completed  : 130 ( including some Home Test Kits)

Total Green ( O.K.) results :  126

Concerns( Red & Amber)   :        4

You will recall, that some Brethren turned up without the necessary  booking completed. I am pleased to confirm that Trust have been in contact, and sent them a Home Test Kit, as an alternative.

Those with concerns should, by now, have consulted their G.P. and arranged the necessary follow up.

Thanks, once again to all who participated in the Event, and we look forward to further sessions, next year.

Let us remember, in the light of recent events, and the situation with Sir Chris Hoy, it is imperative that Brethren heed the warning.,

Any Brother, over 40, should take note, and get a regular check-up.

Remember, Prostate Cancer is no longer an “Old Man’s Disease” restricted to “ Men of a certain age”!