Golf Day Raises over £22,500

The Bedfordshire Provincial Golf Day was held yesterday at the Whipsnade Park golf course on the hottest day of the year so far. Despite the heat, a fabulous day was had by all, with 72 players competing and afterwards enjoying lunch and well needed liquid refreshment.

Luton FC legend Mick Harford came along to help present the prizes, including best score of the day to 14 year old Gregory Seaborn, son of one of our members John Owen, who showed everyone how it should be done.

The real winner however was Charity, with £22,500 raised for the MCF via our 2026 Festival (a figure that may well rise). In closing, the Provincial Grand Master thanked all those who had participated, contributed and assisted on the day, plus all the Lodges and Chapters that had sponsored the event.

Well done to Bob Curson, the driving force behind the day, and we look forward to doing it all again next year.

Pictured above; Bedfordshire PGM Nick Edwards, best golfer of the day Gregory Owen and Mick Harford

Pictured below; Happy Golfers!