Gilbert Inglefield Give “Riding for the Disabled” a Boost
Gilbert Inglefield Lodge No 8009 recently donated £1500 to the Elisabeth Curtis “Riding for the Disabled” Centre in Bromham.
The money was raised by the members last year and donated in support of the wishes of Neil Barrett, who was Master at the time.
The donation was greatly appreciated and promptly put to work by their team of volunteers who have been busy working on building – up and extending the services they provide since returning from closure during the Covid epidemic.
Old games equipment has been replaced with new, lighter and more colourful equipment. The Centre has been painted and updated and they recently hosted their first ‘Tea with a Pony’ session, supporting dementia sufferers and their carers, in conjunction with Age UK.
Lolly, the pony, is pictured with trustees Pearl Farr and Charlotte Dunham and volunteers Julia and Judy.