W Bro James Robert ‘Roy’ Laird

Dear Brethren,

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must notify you of the passing to the Grand lodge above of Worshipful Brother James (Roy) Robert Laird PPrSGW on Friday 26th May 2023 (aged 83).

Brother Roy had been recovering from Chemotherapy and radiotherapy but on Wednesday morning last week was rushed into Bedford hospital with breathing difficulties and a suspected chest infection and sadly and unexpectedly passed away in hospital.

I believe Brother Roy was initiated into Lodge No 264 Antrim in the PGL of Ireland, a joining member of St Peter de Merton lodge L7559 in 1979, serving as Master in 1988/1997/2019. A founder member of Bedfordshire Meridian Lodge L9643 and was Master in 2006, held the posts of Chaplain, Secretary and Tyler, and was a member of Sir John Cotton Lodge of Mark Master Masons M1507. Brother Roy had been having ongoing treatment for lung cancer but sadly lost his brave battle.

I am sure that you will join with me in offering our sincere condolences to his wife Mary, son W. Bro Peter and their family at this very sad time. I shall be sending a condolences card on behalf the Provincial Grand Master, executive and Brethren of the province. 

Requiescet in pace 

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Mike Fitz-Gerald – Provincial Grand Almoner