W Bro James John Charles Stevens
Brethren, Worshipful Brother & Companion James Stevens’ funeral service is at 12:00 hrs on Tuesday 4th April at The Vale cemetery & Crematorium , Oak Chapel, Butterfield Green Road, Luton LU2 8DD.
Brother James’s Son and Daughter, John and Janis invite you to join them at Luton Masonic centre, Bowling Green Lane at 12:45pm
The family request no flowers.
Brethren intending to join the family after the funeral at Luton Masonic Centre should email bob.heal@hotmail.co.uk , so as to co-ordinate catering arrangements.
Dear Brethren,
Once again it is my sad duty to inform you the passing to the Grand lodge above of Worshipful Brother and Companion James John Charles Stevens on Sunday 12th March 2023 (92).
Bro James peacefully passed away in Luton and Dunstable Hospital with his son and daughter present.
Lodge Career (52 years)
L3089 Stephens (Bucks). Initiated 06/06/1970 – Resigned 14/04/2007
L3305 Buckinghamshire Masters (Bucks). Joiner 06/05/1980 – Resigned 08/04/2000
L7796 Farley (Beds). Joiner 02/02/2005
Chapter Career (43 years)
C6748 Prospect (Herts). Exalted 03/11/1979 – Chapter Erased 14/11/2001
C7796 Farley (Beds). Joiner 02/03/2005 – Deceased 12/03/2023.
Provincial Rank
Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden (PPrSGW, Bucks.) 01/11/1997
Royal Arch Rank
Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer (PPrGStB, Beds.) 06/04/2019
Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies (PPrAGDC, Beds.) 13/04/2013 – 06/04/2019
Past Provincial Deputy Grand Registrar (PPrDepGReg, Herts.) 05/11/199
W Bro James enjoyed a full and active Masonic career, he will be sorely missed by all members particularly in Farley Lodge and Farley Chapter, fondly remembered.
I am sure that you will join with me in offering our sincere condolences to his family at this very sad time, I shall be sending a condolences card on behalf the Provincial Grand Master, executive and Brethren of the province.
Requiescet in pace
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Mike Fitz-Gerald – Provincial Grand Almoner