Today in Masonic History

Today in Masonic History Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin is born in 1930.

Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin is an American astronaut.

Aldrin was born in Glen Ridge, New Jersey. He graduated from Montclair High School in 1946 and was offered a full scholarship to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He turned down the scholarship to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point. Buzz, which Aldrin made his legal name in 1988, came from his sister who, when she was young pronounced “brother” as “buzzer” and later it was shortened to “Buzz”.

After graduating from West Point, third in his class, Aldrin was commissioned in the United States Air force. He became a fighter pilot and flew 66 missions during the Korean War. After the war Aldrin went on to many different duty stations.

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