St Peter de Merton Pledge £1,300 from Charity White Table

On Wednesday 18th Jan,  St Peter de Merton Lodge 7559 held a white table evening. The lodge room was open for a talk by W Bro Ian Church, the subject of which was Dr Charles Prior and his association with St Peter de Merton church in Bedford, and the restoration of altar gates that are dedicated to Dr Prior, the former Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Bedfordshire.
The white table dinner was a great success, the theme of the evening being a tribute to Rabbie Burns, with the traditional piping in of the Haggis and an excellent address to the Haggis by Bro Ian Slater. With the raffle and monies pledged by the lodge £1,300 was raised on the night, £500 going to the 2026 Provincial Festival and £250 each to Faces and the Kings Arms Project (both local charities). The remainder will be distributed at a later date.