Special 250th for St. John’s Lodge.

St. John’s Lodge No.8817 celebrated their 250th meeting on Monday night which had all the hallmarks of a lodge in ascendance.

The Worshipful Master WBro Dave Samuel and his team conducted a well-attended initiation ceremony with all the trimmings in their pre-Christmas meeting, the candidate – Bro Kernot and 4 other entered apprentices being treated to an excellent rendition of the 1st degree tracing board by Bro. Ben Horrell.

In attendance was the last remaining founding member of St. John’s which was consecrated on the 8th of April 1978 – WBro Ron Robinson PPrSGW who was Master of the Lodge in 1984.

This meeting was the 1st since the untimely passing to the GL. above of their treasurer WBro Ralph Woolhead PPrGReg who was a stalwart of the lodge and will be missed by all.

The Provincial Grand Secretary WBro Tony Green gave an interesting oration into the history of the lodge to complete the proceedings which were then followed by a festive festive-board complete with Christmas carols.