Rooney Helps Alex Bear the Pain
“My son Alex was brought to the Emergency Department after a fall in the school playground. I informed the Nurse Practitioner (Eve) that Alex had Autism and that he may not respond to questions very well, and could be reluctant to an examination. Eve said ‘not a problem’ and asked Alex his favourite colour, which he quietly answered with my help. She went away and within minute returned with a blue bear.
The child that was in pain, scared and anxious then beamed a smile. With that single act of kindness Eve had broken the communication barrier and she had gained his trust. Eve then used the bear to demonstrate to Alex how she was going to examine his head. He watched nervously and then Eve was allowed to touch his head.
Alex left the department in a little less pain, a little less anxious and having made two new friends; Eve and the bear, lovingly named Rooney. Rooney made our visit so much easier and I can’t describe to you how much it helped Mum too!”
Teddies for Loving Care is supporting children in A&E departments across England and Wales.
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