Roger de Somery now Officially a Rugby Lodge
Roger de Somery Lodge, based in Luton, have received notification that the Grand Master has acceded to their request to change their name to the Roger de Somery Rugby Lodge No 6488 with immediate effect.
At our Installation on Sat 7th November Bro Gary Jones will be installed as the first Master of our newly named Lodge. We will be sending the Warrant away the next day to be enfaced by Grand Lodge.
Caps have been made to be awarded to all Members and new Master Masons as they pass through, we have gavels in the shape of rugby balls, a Rugby ball as part of the ceremony, a cross bar which fits between the Deacon’s Wands and are looking at the possibility of Lodge Blazers.
On Sept 2nd we signed up to the, newly formed, Association of Rugby Lodges Charter, which was presented to the Pro Grand Master at an Initiation ceremony in Grand Lodge, and we are one of 18 Rugby Themed Lodges under UGLE.
We would like to invite anyone to join us on 7th October, 12:00 kick off at Luton Masonic Centre followed by 4 course Festive Board and topped off by England vs Western Samoa on the TV. Please contact me at simonbarter1@yahoo.co.uk if you would like to attend. Dining is £24:50 on a Nomad basis.
Roger de Somery were a Lodge in decline who, it is fair to say, were on the way to handing back their Warrant, due to declining numbers. As we were actively looking to form a new Lodge with the Provincial Grand Master’s blessing, it was his idea that we “took over” this Lodge as it saved time, money and effort and preserved the Roger de Somery name for the future. We are greatly indebted to the few Members who welcomed us with open arms and have embraced our theme.
W Bro Simon Barter, Roger de Somery Rugby Lodge