PGM Joins Royal and Select Masters
On Wednesday 25 January, Bedfordshire’s Provincial Grand Master, Anthony Henderson, joined the Royal & Select Masters Order at Dunstable.
The Charles Herbert Perram Council meets at Dunstable three times a year and is the only unit in the Order that meets in Bedfordshire.
On the evening there were 48 members of the Order in attendance to welcome their new Companion to the Order.
Companions had travelled from all over the District – which covers three Craft masonic Provinces (Bedfordshire, Leicestershire & Rutland and Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire) to witness the ceremony, with Heads of other orders and many distinguished Companions in attendance.
Companion Tony Henderson undertook two of the four degrees in the evening, Select Master and Royal Master.
After the formalities were over the Companions adjourned to the bar, and being as it was Burns night started the meal in traditional form with haggis.