Free Bereavement Counselling

Bedford Daycare Hospice is supporting the people of Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire by providing a counselling / bereavement support service. This is more poignant at this time with the Coronavirus and the devastating effect it is having on families and friends.

The service will be led by Jane Maxfield (Counselling Diploma MBACP RN BSc) who specialises in pre and post bereavement and will be supported by Bedford Daycare Hospice staff trained in bereavement support.

Please ask the person requiring counselling / bereavement support to contact Bedford Daycare Hospice on 01234 352015 and Jane Maxfield or a member of our team will contact them to offer confidential sessions up to an hour via the telephone or video link. Face to face support will be available once lockdown is lifted. The sessions can be weekly or as the person wishes.

If you would like more information please contact Linda Byer (Nurse Manager) on 01234 352015 or email:

Link to the Hospice’s website here

W Bro Kevan Morrison – Hospice Business Manager