Chiltern Lodge 150th Anniversary Celebration

The Chiltern Lodge No 1470 meeting on 18th January 2024 was a very special night in the history of the Lodge.

With the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge, Clive Walsh, and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Hugh Love in attendance, along with the full Provincial Team, the Lodge celebrated its 150th Anniversary.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge opened the Lodge, giving  an interesting and informative talk on Chiltern Lodge’s past 150 years before handing proceedings back to the regular Lodge officers.

To make the evening more special, Philip Vernon was Installed into the Masters Chair by his father, Mike Vernon and as far as can be established from Lodge records Philip is now the youngest Master  that the Lodge has had in the all its 150 years.

With 58 Brethren at the Meeting and afterwards at the Festive Board, it was a truly special milestone in the history of Chiltern Lodge. Celebrated and enjoyed by all present.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master in Charge is pictured with incoming Master, Philip Vernon and proud Dad, Mike.