Bro Robin Reynolds, An Excellent Craftsman – Mercury Lodges New Columns
Earlier this year Mercury Lodge found themselves without columns, and while other Lodges helped with loans our Junior Warden, Brother Robin Reynolds, had a long-term plan and at Mercury’s April meeting presented the Lodge with a handmade set of columns.
With elm sourced from Northamptonshire’s Boughton Estate, the design uses seven interlocking components to blend elegance with robustness.
Brother Reynolds explained that each component was made on a 100 year old ornamental lathe produced by a Mr Munro (onetime employee of the well-known Holtzapffel family who created the original ornamental lathes). The techniques and skills needed are unique to ornamental work and the machine is able to work to the very fine levels of accuracy necessary to enable each part to fit together without the need for glue.
A beautiful addition to Mercury’s collection of hand-crafted heirlooms, produced by a true craftsman.
Side Note: Ironically, the Society of Ornamental Turners meets four times a year at the Uxbridge Masonic Centre.