Bro John Eric Parker

It is with great sadness that I have to report the Passing to the Grand Lodge Above of Brother John Eric Parker, b 27/5/1931 (90 years) Initiated 8/9/64 (54 years).

Brother John passed away peacefully, in hospital, on Sunday 11th July 2021. He suffered a heart attack a couple of weeks ago and his body never fully recovered from it. John was a member of the Manor Court Lodge of Ampthill number 9096. He was initiated into the Henley Lodge number 1472, which he resigned from on moving to Ampthill.

John told me on numerous occasions, that it was through Freemasonry and joining Manor Court Lodge that he and his family were able to integrate into their new life in Ampthill.

I will be sending a card of condolence to his daughter on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and the Brethren of the Province.


Tony Green, Provincial Grand Almoner