Bedfordshire Royal Arch Supports Salvation Army with £3,000
The Salvation Army have been busy supporting local people in various ways during the pandemic, and £3,000 will help hugely with their continuing projects. Major MGraham Bailey of Bedford Congress Hall Corps told us;
Some of our activities include;
- Providing meals for homeless & lonely twice a week.
- Providing food parcels to those who come to our hall for help.
- Linked with four local schools to provide food for people who are struggling & are not in receipt of benefits etc (this is continuing going forward).
- Have provided furniture to people who have been given properties by the Council (inc because of Domestic violence).
- Given out ‘activity’ bags to young people in order to help to keep them occupied during lockdown and school holidays
- We have volunteers to have done shopping for those who can’t get out.
- Our Debt Advice Service has continued to operate throughout the pandemic to help those who are becoming overwhelmed by debt..
- We have started a puzzle booklet that we produce every month and send to the elderly who are shielding or unable to get out to occupy some time.
- We have been helping to top up utility cards for those who are struggling financially
There are probably other things that I’ve forgotten, all I know is we have been probably busier throughout this lockdown than normal!
Pictured is Most Excellent Grand Superintendent Tony Henderson, head of Bedfordshire Royal Arch, presenting the cheque to Graham outside Bedford Congress Hall.