Bedfordshire Meridian Lodge Gain Seven New Members
At the Installation meeting of Bedfordshire Meridian Lodge on 22nd February, seven new members joined in a great boost for this daytime Lodge. Numbers at the Lodge have been declining in recent times, but this new influx of members ensures their future, and it is hoped more will join to enjoy their Freemasonry during daylight hours.
One of the joining members, Andy Fensome, was unfortunately unable to attend as he is currently in hospital – we wish him all the best for a swift recovery.
The new Master of the Lodge, Claudio Fuccillo, was also pleased to be able to present £1,000 for the 2026 Festival to the Provincial Grand Secretary, Tony Green, on behalf of the Lodge.
Pictured above; six of the new joining members with Meridian’s Master Claudio Fuccillo (centre)
Pictured below; Claudio Fuccillo presenting £1,000 to Tony Green