Bedfordshire MCF Festival & Charity Seminar

A seminar was held last evening at the Ampthill centre for Lodge and Chapter Charity Stewards and Festival Champions.

Robert Curson and Martin Wilson, respectively the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Bedfordshire 2026 Festival, gave an update on progress towards the Festival target so far (over £397,000 pledged and £325,000 already handed over to the MCF), plus the next steps to ensure we reach our target.

Steven Joyce, the Provincial Charity Steward, gave a very informative presentation encompassing the TLC Appeal, Relief Chests, Gift Aid, and everything a Charity Steward needs to be effective.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Clive Walsh, thanked all those attending for their hard work, and expressed his delight with the generosity and commitment shown by members in their support for both the MCF and local charities.