Another Successful PSA Testing Day
On Saturday 11th February nearly 150 Freemasons and their male family and friends attended a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing session at the headquarters of Bedfordshire Freemasons in Kempston. The session was organised by Ken Evans, a Luton Freemason, and he was assisted by fellow Freemasons from across Bedfordshire.
Ken told us “Over 1,000 men a week in the UK are diagnosed with Prostate cancer each year. Bedfordshire Freemasons have been running these PSA testing sessions for 4 years and over 560 men have been tested. Most of those tested are given the OK, but sometimes the test indicates that further investigations are required. Most of those referred for further tests/treatment were not aware that they had a problem, and their early diagnosis via a simple PSA blood test meant they were able to access treatment before the cancer had a chance to develop.
We hope to continue our efforts in promoting health awareness across Bedfordshire and for those who could not attend on this occasion. The next event will take place at the Pavilion, Bowling Green Lane, Luton on 21st Oct.’23. It is now open on the Graham Fulford Charitable Trust (GFCT) website , and available for bookings. All are welcome.”